Fertility and Pregnancy

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One of the most recurring questions I get from my readers and clients is: "Which herb should I take to boost my fertility and get pregnant?"


My answer may surprise you, but there are no miracle plants that will help you conceive overnight.

However, there are several steps you can take to increase your chances to conceive naturally. Having a holistic vision when trying to conceive is important because it allows you to understand the impact of various factors of your daily life on your reproductive health: diet, lifestyle, stress, medication, exercise, toxins exposure, etc.

When your body is healthy, you are more likely to get pregnant naturally. Plants and herbs are allies that can support your body and provide you with the additional vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients necessary to prepare your body for pregnancy, balance your hormones cycle. Here are some of my favourite herbs and plants to boost fertility:

Red raspberry leaf (Rubus Idaeus)

Red raspberry leaf has a beneficial effect on the uterus, cycle and hormones. It is a very nutritious plant rich in minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron), vitamins (A, B, C, E), and folate (or folic acid), which plays an essential role in conception.

Red raspberry leaf tea is a uterine tonic that can be used from preconception to post-partum because of its beneficial action on the uterus that adapts to the phase in which it is. Red raspberry leaves contain fragrine, a molecule that helps tone the pelvic and uterine muscles. This promotes the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall and reduces the risk of miscarriage.

Red raspberry leaf also helps restore hormonal balance, regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation. This plant is particularly indicated in cases of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and endometriosis.


Red clover is popular for its nutritional properties and fertility-enhancing properties. Rich in calcium and magnesium, two minerals that greatly contribute to increase the chances of conception, red clover can be consumed daily during the pre-conception phase. It has a purifying effect on the blood and helps eliminate environmental toxins that often hinder conception and reduce fertility.

This depurative action also has a positive impact on hormonal balance and overall health. Red clover improves blood circulation, especially to the genitals that are essential in reproduction. Moreover, it helps increase cervical mucus, which plays a fundamental role in conception.

Red clover helps balance hormones, regulate the menstrual cycle and boost fertility. In short, it is a nutritive tonic that can be effective to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Moringa leaf (Moringa Oleifera)

Also known as the miracle tree, Moringa leaf has multiple health benefits, including enhancing fertility in both women and men because of its high vitamins content (A, C, B, E, K), minerals (Calcium, potassium, iron, manganese), proteins, amino acids and its detoxifying action on the body.

Moringa leaf has antibacterial properties, which makes it effective to purify the body and eliminates toxins. It is also rich in antioxidants, essential for the maintenance of good health.

Moringa is great to improve digestion because of its high fiber content, which plays an important role in conception. When the digestive system is functioning properly, the body is able to eliminate waste which contributes to the normal function of all organs including the reproductive ones.

Moringa leaves can be consumed daily during the preconception phase as a dietary supplement, hormonal regulator and detoxifying agent for the maintenance of good health in both women and men. It is also known to improve the quality and quantity of sperm in men.




Read 625 times
Last modified on 02 November 2021

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